New Year’s Resolutions For Dancers January 15, 2014

Ballet StretchHappy New Year! What goals have you set for yourself that will make your 2014 awesome? If you haven’t made any resolutions yet, we’re here to help you – we’ve compiled a list of things that we’d think would be great for all dancers to strive for any day of the year!

• Flexibility
There’s no such thing as a dancer that is “too-flexible”! Flexibility is important to all dancers because it helps them perform moves correctly and reduces the likelihood of injury. If you think you could use some improvement in the flexibility department, set a daily “stretch-time” and witness results!

• Strength
Although dancers appear to be light, there’s muscle behind the gracefulness! It is important for dancers to have strong muscles so that can move efficiently, have more powerful movements, and to prevent injury. Try doing a few full-body exercises, such as a plank, a few times per day (or enroll in a conditioning class) to improve your strength!

• A Positive, Confident Attitude
We believe being confident and having a positive attitude are the best attributes that a dancer can have. Life is not always easy, and neither is the dance world – you’ll experience difficult days, receive corrections, or sometimes find choreography challenging – but don’t let that get you down! A positive attitude can take you a long way: if you believe it, you can achieve it! Positive, confident dancers can do the unimaginable. So see challenges as an opportunity to grow into the best dancer you can be!

• Try Something New
The New Year is a great time to try new things. Why not take some time to explore a new form of dance? You’ll never know what you love if you don’t experience new things! Take a break from your ballerina posture and loosen up with a modern class. Or relax, and let your feet do all of the talking when you learn just how much rhythm you have when you try a tap class! We offer free trial classes for students just like you, who are interested in different dance forms – so why not give it a try?

Now, has this post made you think of any New Year’s Resolutions? Share your goals below, in the comments!

Classes Running 1/7/2014 January 6, 2014

Though area schools will be delayed or partially closed, we will run our regular schedule on Tuesday, January 7 2014 unless otherwise noted here.

Stay warm everyone!

Winter Session Begins 1/2/2014! December 30, 2013

We look forward to beginning our Winter Session Classes this Thursday, January 2nd! Happy New Year! We can’t wait to see you in class!

All Classes Running Wednesday 12/11 December 11, 2013

We’re very happy to run all of our classes today on a regular schedule.
Our Parking lots are nice and clean, but watch out for a couple of icy patches!

Classes today, Tuesday 12/10 December 10, 2013

All classes are cancelled today due to predicted icy roads and potential dangerous travel this evening. Please drive safely everyone!

For your convenience, please find our inclement weather policy below.
Adagio Ballet in Arlington follows the school Closures of Arlington Public Schools (in case of complete closure).
Adagio Ballet in Fairfax follows the school Closures of Fairfax County Public Schools (in case of complete closure).
For both locations, in the case of delayed openings, partial closures, cancelled activities, etc for public schools, or weekend inclement weather, we will do everything possible to remain open – we will post announcements as to whether we are open on the Website Homepage.
For 3 full days or less of Inclement Weather Closure Days per year, there will be no make-up classes.
For more than 3 days of Inclement Weather Closure Days per year, we will create additional make-up opportunities towards the end of the School Year.

Classes Today, Monday 12/9 December 9, 2013

All classes starting after 12:00pm (noon) are running on their regular schedule.
Horay! Other than being a little wet, the roads out there are fine and our parking lot is in good condition. See you in class!

Classes Today, Sunday 12/8 December 8, 2013

All classes starting at or after 1PM are cancelled today.
All prior classes are running on a normal schedule.