At the start of every Session and around every performance, we try to give Students and Parents some guidance on how to make the perfect ballet bun! The perfect bun will have a professional appearance that will complete your ballet look and make you feel just like Julie Kent! Developing the habit of having the right hairstyle for ballet class (and not just performances!) helps teach Students about the expectations of the ballet classroom. It doesn’t have to be hard – it just takes practice and a few tips!
What you will need:
-Hair gel (spray gel works best)
-Fine-tooth hair comb
-Hair elastics (buy elastics that match your hair color)
-Hairspray (extra-hold works best)
-Hairnet (buy a hairnet the matches your hair color)
-Hairpins (Bobby pins will work, but hairpins work best around the bun. Buy them to match your hair color)
-Bobby pins (buy them to match your hair color)
Steps to “Building” the Perfect Bun:
1. Begin with wet hair: Wetting your hair with a spray bottle or showering right before you create your bun will help keep it manageable and slick.
2. Apply hair products: When it comes to controlling frizzy hair and those annoying little pieces around your temples, hair products are your best friend. Begin your bun by gelling your hair and combing it up into a tight pony tail. The ponytail should rest slightly above the middle of your head and there should be no “whispy” pieces sticking out.
3. Twist your ponytail: Take your ponytail and twist it with your hand until it is very tight. The twisting action should naturally form a circle bun around your ponytail holder. Secure the bun with a few hairpins so that it doesn’t fall out. Try to keep the bun as flat as possible so that it doesn’t stick out of your head (it can look a little awkward!)
4. Grab a hairnet: Open the hairnet all the way and stretch it out so that there are no bumps. Wrap the hairnet around your bun being careful not to misshape the bun. Secure the hairnet to the bun using more hairpins. Remember: the more hairpins, the more secure the bun!
5. Polish off your bun by spraying all of your hair with hairspray.
The Ballet Bun can be a great Summer Look, too! Need more advice – let us know!!